АUTOLINK was built based on the former car-repair plant – ARZ-Yambol established in 1969.
All production areas, workshops, office building, warehouses and secondary productions are located on an area of 52,000 square meters. The factory is one of the first specialized plants for complete repair and maintenance of trucks. For the past 10 years we have been performing all kinds of repair of agricultural machinery - tractors, harvesters and reloading equipment – wheel loader and forklifts

AUTOLINK performs the following activities:
Production of:
- sub soilers, ploughs, disc harrows, cultivators, field rollers.
- field transfer trailer
- dumper trailer
- tipper trailer
- combined dumper and tipper trailer
- specialized spreaders

Recycling and renovation of tractors TK150, TK80; Complete servicing of tractors CASE, UMZ, TK80, TK150, K700, VALTRA and harvesters CASE, NIVA, DON, NEW HOLLAND.

Recycling and renovation of ŠKODA EUROPE and complete servicing of trucks IFA, ŠKODA, MAN, MERCEDES, IVECO.

The management of the company consists of engineers and economists with skills and professional experience. The staff has proven its capabilities, technical skills and loyalty to the company.

The ideas of the team are to constantly update the equipment and improve the knowledge and experience in the field of mechanical engineering in order to acquire the achievements in science and technology and to apply them in new projects.


Recycling tractors ТК 150, ТК 80

Recycling truck
Upgrades dumpers board and trailers